Wednesday, September 03, 2014

NYE 2014

The NYE travel tradition with Tim didn't happen this year, since Tim was in between posts, had little time off, and I was all over the place interviewing for jobs.

I'd interviewed for a job in SLC during the month of December, and was surprised that I was even in the running, since I knew so little about this part of the company. Little did I expect what would happen in the first part of 2014.


NYE - LA decided to host an event downtown, so Marcello and I made plans to go. I curled my hair with my new toy from mom. It sucks your hair into a clamp and curls it like magic.

Checking out the scene around City Hall and Grand Park.
I didn't want to wait in line to take my photo in front of the LA balloons. Maybe next time.



Daedelus played and some other bands came out. Food trucks were crazy crowded, glad I ate before I wenet. But overall, a pretty good event.

Yay 2014! I was ready for a new year.

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